What is
World Athletics, former International Association of Athletics Federations have requested female athletes into proving whether they really are women.
Sex Testing had many faces since the 1930s, and it keeps causing psychological damages to girls that just want to do what they love.
Since May 2019, IAAF had set new limits of testosterone levels in women.
A hormone naturally produced by both men and women. They decreased the limits from 10 nmol/L to 5 nmol/L. Caster Semenya and other female athletes happened to naturally have high levels of testosterone on her bodies. Specially because men had never been requested to
prove their gender.
IAAF Officials had decided that they no longer qualify as a female athletes and that those girls should be on medication to compete.
Guess what?
No woman should prove that she is really a woman.
And more: the scientific comunity have questioned the IAAF data.
Testosterone limits for female athletes are questionable.
#LetHerRun is a movement that embraces all women who want to run and are being kept from it. This girl's future is in your hands. Embrace it. Fight for it. Join us and support them to compete at Tokyo 2020. And only stop running when they choose to.