Not woman




That's what the International Association of Athletics Federations says about some hard-working women.

Part of the IAAF's interests was female athletes proving whether they really are women.

Sex Testing had many faces since the 1930s, and it keeps causing psychological damages to girls that just want to do what they love. They just want to run.

IAAF President,
Sebastian Coe, says:
"I don't see this as
a personal issue."

Well, it is personal for Caster Semenya, who had to become a soccer player so she could provide for her family.

It's personal for Francine Niyonsaba, who have run since she was four and is now out of work.

It's personal for Margaret Wambui, who can't compete at her prime.

It's personal for Shanthi Soundarajan, who tried to kill herself after being called a boy.

It's personal to Dutee Chand, who needed a court decision to keep running.

Mr. Coe keeps repeating that "This is not about an individual athlete."

But there is no competition without individuals. No Olympic Games. No races. No events. It's all about human beings, Mr. Coe.

People who chose to run as their job. Who are passionate about running.

Athletics is made of individuals.

They say all that bigotry is necessary to preserve the competition.


Imagine a little girl inspired by Caster Semenya and becoming an athlete.

Now, this little girl's soul is being torn apart.

An court made up of men is stating that her dream is not woman enough.

Having high natural body hormones now is the thing that denies her the freedom to run. The freedom to compete. The freedom to work. The freedom to do what she loves.

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The IAFF claims that she should be on hormonal medications to compete But her integrity is non-negotiable. She wants to compete!

The same courage she shows on the tracks, she is showing off tracks.

She has endured and forged herself into a symbol of strength, hope and courage.

She hopes and dreams that one day she can run free of judgement, free of discrimination and in a world where she is accepted for who she is.

The Olympic Spirit, that once was an inspiration is broken now.
We want to prove that she is capable of running in the true spirt of the Olympic spirit, naturally. And we believe that differences should celebrated.

The world of sports is at a crossroad right now.

One road is the path of politics.
The other is the path of individuals.

One is the path of discrimination.
The other is the path of courage.

One is the path of the IAAF.
The other is the path of the true Olympic spirit.

One path says stop. The other path says run.

Today they are stopping her. But we say, let her run. Let her run through the tracks around the globe. Let her run and inspire the children of the world. Let her run and show that it doesn't matter where you came from, with hard work you can achieve your dreams and goals. Let her run and be the best she can be.

World Athletics, let's keep the Olympic Spirit alive. Join the movement and #LetHerRun.

Let Her Run

#LetHerRun is a movement that embraces all women that want to run and are being kept from it. This girl's future is in your hands. Embrace it. Fight for it. Join us and support them to compete at Tokyo 2020. And never stop running.