The Cobra. With legs.
Flying. Breaking records.
Cutting the air. And just like that, vanished.
"Who is that girl?" People asked.
"It's not possible". People doubt.
Adversaries tried to look for explanation.
They took the lazy way instead of the right
way. They've found easier to tell tales of a
fake woman who wears the body of men. To
question her gender.
To gossip about her appearence. Instead of
acknowledge her hard work training. Here is
the fact: she is not a man. She is a worker.
A dedicated athlete who happens to run. Run
fast. She is not a freak male. She is a
vigorous, wild and free woman. She is Caster
Semenya. The Cobra.
Let her run through the tracks around the
globe. Let her run and inspire the children
of the world.